Rising High I Bishop Darren Jenkins

Rising High I Bishop Darren Jenkins

31 January 2023

You’re missing out when you disconnect yourself from God.

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There is a benefit of having Jesus Christ in your life.

  • So many of us who are coming to church but not getting the benefits of being a part of the kingdom of God.

  • When Jesus touches you, he touches you with the purpose of making you whole.

  • Many times we have gotten in our own way that God cannot really do what he wants to do with us. We allow our insecurities to paralyze us.

  • If you give your heart to God, He’ll change around those sins and you will not practice sin anymore.

  • All have sin and fallen short of the glory of God but most people have allowed the nature of sin to paralyze you from understanding grace.

  • Grace is not presented for us to just continue in sin, it is intended for us to be empowered from sin.

  • We got to know that we have the power from freedom and being free from the bondage of sin.

  • Too many people are trying to get free from things rather than getting free from sin and the lust of sin that takes place in our heart.

  • Allow God to get rooted in your life then He can free you from the bondage of sin for which he died.

  • Many people are losing faith and trust in God because the word that is being preached is not being mixed with faith.

  • God said there is more for you, don’t get comfortable where you’re at, don’t get comfortable in your state, there is more for you.

  • Procrastination and doubt will cause you to miss out on what God has prepared for you.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

  • You can enjoy heaven on earth if you give God glory and tap into the kingdom.

  • Put a praise on your blessing, on the favor that God has on your life, on the things that God is getting ready to walk you into.

  • Until you get that spirit of patience you will never mount up like an eagle.

  • If I keep my mind on Jesus He will keep me in perfect peace.

  • When you come to worship your heart shall be thirsty for the Lord’s presence and glory.

  • The way you perceive God is how you will pursue Him. If you only look at God It’s a temporary fix, you will only pursue Him temporarily. If you look at Him as your eternal source of life, you will pursue Him with every ounce of your being.

  • Many of us have become a thrift to our own destiny because when God is trying to give us what we need we reject Him. You still have your own peace and joy.

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